Thursday, September 16, 2010

Paradise and New beginnings

Just got back from what may be a once in a lifetime vacation. We went to Hawaii for 9 days. We had a great time. I think I have felt for a long time while waiting on this vacation that it would mark a new beginning for me. I did not really know what that meant. I still am not totally sure. My wife Bonnie and I have been married for 28 years. This vacation was something I wanted, but really I wanted it for her. She has been so good to me. She deserves more than she got or gets from me. So in my mind this was God allowing me to prosper her, reward her for being so great. But I also felt like there was some theology behind this trip. Questions for the day: Does God want me to be a Francis Chan who gets rid of everything? Should I be "living simply, that others may simply live"?
Or can I work out my salvation in fear and trembling and take what God gives? I believe in tithing. I believe in offerings. Within one year of coming to know Jesus, I felt called to give to His Kingdom with the tithe. My wife faithfully joined me in this adventure. We have given even if it meant having the phone shut off, whatever, we gave and still give. And guess what? It did mean getting the phone shut off. It did mean a Christmas that the kids got very little and to be frank, I was kinda depressed and wondering about some things. But He has proven so much more faithful than I, which I guess should be no surprise.

I have seen a 10 year upward swing of our income. I have seen raises and bonuses when they should not have come. Promotions and blessings that we did not deserve. God has allowed us to have more free money than we have ever known. We don't have any credit card debt but do have payments on toys like my Harley and Boat. We make the payments with ease and money left over. We still give over and above the tithe.
What do you want Lord? Am I doing ok? Is all this your hand of blessing? Are you rewarding us for faithfully giving over a decade? I have seen so many that rob God and admit they rob God. Most are not doing very well financially. I have watched many lose everything including their family. I know the schools of thought on this. I could supply proof texts to support both views. Yes God is prospering us for our obedience it's scriptural. Or no God is not pleased with me spending so much on myself, I should be giving all the excess to the poor.
I personally am torn and go both ways (nothing new here). I read Crazy love and think how cool that would be to live like Francis Chan is calling us to live. But then wonder if he is really sacrificing all that he appears to be sacrificing? Huge book deals and a huge following that can cover all expenses and fly him all over the world to talk about sacrificing everything? I am not bashing Francis I think he is awesome and yes I know he gives away a ton and could have so much more materially than he does. Rick Warren is another example, paying back all the church ever paid him. After making millions on books and speaking engagements. I really think a problem with the church in America is not that we are not all Francis Chan. I think one of the problems is we can't even be faithful in the little things. We can't faithfully tithe. We don't have enough left over to ever even think about an offering. Yet we have every cable channel known to man. Our kids can sign up for every sport and event that comes down the pike. Yet we rob God. Even if you don't believe in the tithe as a requirement, can't you see it as a good place to start? Can't you see that your money really shows your heart? The reason you don't give is not because you can't afford it. The reason you don't give is because you don't see the value of God's Church. It is not worth it to you. With some it shows up in attendance and giving. We are losing 50% of our families to divorce. I believe robbing God and overloading on "stuff" with His resources is one of the problems and the results are as sure as the sun coming up in the morning. The Church is His idea and "your money" is how He finances it's work. If you and I won't be a part of His Church plans, He will not be a part of our "plans".
I really want what God wants for me. I don't have to have the boat or the motorcycle or the trips. I want God to speak loudly. But I know He is heard in a still small voice more often. I also think that God puts us through seasons. Maybe this has been a decade of seeing His hand of blessing. Maybe I grow no more without a season of Him pulling back that hand? Seeing if I want Him or the blessings? It's easy to appear faithful when all is going well or at least when most is going well. I am headed for the time in my life when health "things" pop up for many. I am in an economy where many are losing everything. Will God take me through unscathed?
I would love to be a poster boy for the health and wealth theology. But I don't really believe in what they say or how they say it many times. But yet I do see many promises in scripture for obedience and faithfulness. So many who really seem to be Christians but continually rob God as they go broke and suffer loss in many areas. I know this, whatever season God puts me in, I will continue to give. I also know this, He has given me a wife who loves trips to Hawaii, but would live in a tent with me. I accept your blessings oh Great God. May I never be so rich that I forget you or so poor that I steal and dishonor your Name! It's been a great ride. If it's over and Hawaii was the "peak" Hallelujah!
I have come to know a God who is faithful in the plenty. I am sure He is even more faithful in the season's of want. I pray that my wife and I as Paul will learn to be content in whatever situation He places us in. God you have been more than enough for me!

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